Channel: NoLogic Gamer
Category: Gaming
Tags: how to play gusion mobile legendsgusion hero guidegusion 2020mobile legendsbest build for gusionml gusion tutorialno logic gamer gusiongusion tutorialnologic gamermlbb new herono logic guideno logic gamergusion best buildmobile legends bang bangmlmobile legends gusiongusion guidegusion buildgusion mlmlbbgusion combogusion complete guidemobile legends gusion guidemlbb gusiongusion emblemhero guidehow to play gusion
Description: In this Hero tutorial video. I will be featuring "Gusion". I will explain his passive and skills, Best builds, emblems and spells, Skill Combo and finally give you some tips and tricks to play Gusion effectively. 🎵 MUSIC INTRO : TULE - Fearless [NCS Release] SONG 1 : Audioscribe - Shimmer [NCS Release] SONG 2 : THYKIER - INTENSIFY [NCS Release] SONG 3 : Ascence - Without You [NCS Release] SONG 4 : Razihel - Power Up [NCS Release] OUTRO : Valence - Infinte [NCS Release] MOBILE LEGENDS ACCOUNT ID ✔ ► 86592725 FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! ❤ MY INSTAGRAM (@nologicgamer) ► ★ MORE MOBILE LEGENDS CONTENT ★ Mobile Legends - Experiments: Mobile Legends - Hero Guide: Mobile Legends - Montage: Mobile Legends - Updates: Mobile Legends - Gameplay: Mobile Legends - Tips & Tricks